Saturday, 7 March 2015

Garmin Fenix3 - day3

Today I got to wear the watch all day and I am really liking the look of the watch, it really looks great! Certainly looks as good as my Oris diving watch with a face that's about the same size and a similar black rubber wrist band. I had turned off Twitter notifications so was only receiving email, Sms and call notifications and found this to be really handy. Especially when driving when you don't want to take your phone out of your pocket and review text messages but a quick glance told me if I needed to respond quickly or not.

I noticed that the watch OS update yesterday also added a widget for music controls. I haven't had a chance to use this yet, but given I almost always listen to my phone when I'm in the car (podcasts and iTunes Radio) I'm hoping this will be really handy. Will try this out next week on my drive to work.

Still feeling some effects from the flu (and a little from the wedding last night) so skipped the run again today and therefore no review of the fitness details at this point. Hoping to be able to get out tomorrow for a run/bike or swim so will be able to get a feel for how it works on the fitness track!

Other than the issue with downloading from the App Store I haven't had any other issues. I read a review that said the Bluetooth kept dropping out for that reviewer but I haven't had that issue at any point and the Bluetooth automatically connected this morning when I picked up the watch and put it on.

Looking forward to my exercise session tomorrow!

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